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A new partnership between SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions and the sensor technology experts at ROCSOLE takes aim at helping upstream and downstream oil & gas companies improve control and performance of electrostatic coalescers, optimizing OPEX, minimizing downtime, and protecting assets installed downstream of desalter operations.The two companies have teamed up to develop a new “Smart Desalter Controller,” a digital monitoring solution which combines SUEZ’s design & build, process and operation expertise with ROCSOLE’s proprietary profiler, software, and data analysis capabilities. The goal is to help improve operations of companies in the oil and gas sector by solving the dynamic challenges of desalter operations.Changing market conditions and regulatory shifts cause refineries to adjust operations to accommodate different qualities of crude. But shifts in crude oil quality can impact desalter operations, which are already among the most dynamic and unpredictable assets in oil and gas operations. Poor desalter performance can not only shorten the lifespan of downstream operations through corrosion and fouling, but can also lead to operational deterioration or increased chemical consumption.The profiler solution selected by SUEZ is an instrument developed by ROCSOLE which enables the accurate measurement and control of the distribution of the fluids - water, oil, gas, emulsion, sand, sludge - in a desalter in real-time. This high-performance sensor, which does not require any additional calibration after start-up, can locate and monitor emulsion layers, analyze dispersion bands such as water cut, detect solids, and detect interfaces. High quality desalter insights allow operators to control the impact of any operating parameter and to fine-tune the asset and its chemical program in real time and prevent unplanned downtime.
The presence of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking and wastewater water systems has generated major media headlines and spurred a rapidly-changing shift in regulatory attention. As the EPA and state environmental regulators develop new regulations, industrial site managers and municipal authorities across the U.S. are beginning to plan for changes to their treatment processes. A new white paper from SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions demonstrates the importance of balancing current mandates with future requirements in the selection of treatment technologies.“PFAS issues are uniquely complex and both industrial and municipal facilities are facing huge challenges as they determine the best way to identify, treat and dispose of these chemical compounds.” said Kevin Cassidy, executive vice president of engineered solutions at SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions. “This white paper summarizes a best approach for characterizing site conditions, selecting technologies, and designing treatment solutions. We hope it helps site operators find the right path forward in their efforts to remove PFAS from wastewater streams and water sources.”Around since the 1940s, PFAS are man-made chemicals used in a wide array of industrial and commercial products such as firefighting foam and non-stick cookware.. The chemicals enter the environment from industrial wastewater discharges at facilities that either make or use PFAS in the manufacturing of other products; and through discharges of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) at oil refineries, airfields, firefighting training facilities, and military bases. Due to chemical properties that make them highly resistant to biodegradation, PFAS compounds persist in the environment and accumulate in the human body.The white paper, “Addressing PFAS Contamination: Treatment Considerations for Complex Applications,” provides an overview of PFAS, highlights the issues and emerging risks of PFAS substances and examines the considerations fortreating PFAS. The white paper highlights the:overview of PFAS and use in the U.S.existing and evolving regulationsimportance of analyzing complex waste streamsavailable treatment technologiestreatment considerations and strategieschallenges to the destruction of PFASThe paper also contains two case studies that highlight the complexity of PFAS remediation and the need for customized solutions at each site.Download the white paper here.
SUEZ’s ZeeLung* technology has been selected to help restore wastewater treatment capacity and achieve a high level of nitrification at the City of Toronto’s North Toronto Treatment Plant (NTTP). ZeeLung Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) system was selected to demonstrate its potential to enhance treatment in a compact footprint while also reducing energy consumption.The North Toronto Plant has produced a high-quality effluent for the better part of a century. However, like many plants in Canada, it is now required to achieve a higher level of treatment than it was originally designed for. The plant must achieve a high level of nitrification to produce a non-acutely toxic effluent and would require upgrades to operate again at its original design capacity of 45.5MLD.The City realized that the upgrade project was an opportunity to evaluate innovative technologies for reduced energy consumption and intensified treatment at Toronto’s smallest plant where the inlet flow rate can be controlled. If the evaluation goes well, the MABR technology will enable the City to meet its treatment goals in a compact footprint, and obtain valuable input for consideration in future capital upgrades at the City’s larger wastewater treatment facilities.Consulting engineer (CIMA+) for the City conducted a preliminary design and economic evaluation that showed an MABR upgrade would save 60% on capital cost and 55% on lifecycle cost compared to a conventional activated sludge upgrade.To evaluate in real-world conditions, the City of Toronto is upgrading the aeration tanks at the North Toronto Treatment Plant and installing ZeeLung MABR in two of the tanks. Performance testing will be carried out and the MABR technology will be assessed compared to the same-sized conventional activated sludge system being operated in the remaining tanks.“We are confident in the ZeeLung technology for treatment intensification with lower energy consumption than conventional activated sludge,” said Kevin Cassidy, executive vice president engineered systems for SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions. “Because of its ability to maximize treatment capacity in existing tank volumes, the MABR system is an ideal choice for retrofits of this type to help more mature plants serve growing populations.”In conventional wastewater treatment, 60% of the energy used is consumed by blowers tasked with distributing oxygen necessary for biological processes and nutrient removal. With ZeeLung technology, oxygen is delivered without bubbles through molecular diffusion, which reduces the energy required for oxygen transfer by a multiple of four. Wastewater treatment plants significantly reduce their energy footprint while also increasing capacity and improving treatment quality.The project is being delivered and constructed by Bennett Mechanical Installations and will be their second MABR system installation with SUEZ in Ontario. Based on the upgrades required at the facility it is expected to commission in 2023.
用于水-蒸汽循环的公用工程用水需要不含有机污染物的超纯水。无论是炼油厂、化工厂、食品饮料厂还是发电厂,都必须在特定点验证水质,以确保符合标准。水中出现杂质的一个主要原因是系统中有一处或多处泄漏点,污染物穿过保护屏障,对下游系统构成威胁。这些威胁会降低产品质量和关键设备资产的性能或寿命,这两种情况都会对经营产生重大影响。使用TOC分析以获得持续、实时的数据在水-蒸汽循环的关键点进行持续监测以确保达到标准至关重要。有多种监测工具可以使用,其中一个是总有机碳(TOC)监测。TOC分析提供了一种测定所有存在的有机物的简单方法,同时强调速度和准确性。它提供持续的实时数据,使运营人员能做出更好、更快的决策,最终有助于优化设施,同时提高效率和节省资金。重要监测点:换热器实施监测计划的第一步是确定工艺中应监测TOC的关键点。可能出现污染的最常见位置是换热器,换热器会持续影响锅炉。确保进入锅炉的水不受有机污染非常重要,主要原因有两个:高质量的水可以确保循环冷凝液重复使用,从而节约能源,降低运营成本,提高可持续性。高质量的水不会发生使锅炉性能下降的腐蚀反应,从而延长设备资产的使用寿命。锅炉给水由补给水和回收的冷凝液组成,目的是尽可能地重复使用冷凝液。TOC分析可确定是否发生泄漏,并可提供数据以确定冷凝液是否可重复使用或需要转送他处。在向二次流体传热的过程中,换热器可能发生泄漏。二次流体包括冷却剂、工艺冷却水、柴油、原料、中间体甚至成品。在化工装置中,二次流体可以是工厂试图加热以产生反应的化学物质。当腐蚀破坏了分隔两股流路的物理屏障时,就会造成泄漏。即使只有针孔大小的泄漏,锅炉和抛光系统也会受到损坏。如果成品是从热冷凝液接收热量的流体,则存在产品损失和产品质量受损的风险。传统方法的不足通过实施TOC监测来分析进入锅炉的冷凝液,可以了解所有潜在的有机污染。传统的检测,如电导率和pH值不能准确体现有机污染物的浓度。电导率用于检测离子化合物,但许多有机化合物是不带电的。pH值是用来检测酸类的,然而,一些有机物对水的pH值几乎没有影响。这说明有机物通过传统的监测方法检测不到。当这些有机污染物进入锅炉,高温高压会使化合物发生反应,形成腐蚀性酸。这些化合物会损坏锅炉,加速腐蚀,缩短设备资产的使用寿命。确定可接受的TOC水平在控制锅炉给水有机污染方面,已经有全球指南可供参考。此类指南将TOC作为设备可使用的检测工具之一,一般来说,建议TOC低于200 ppb。除了参考一般指南外,在确定可接受的TOC水平时,还需要考虑锅炉的工作压力。压力越高,保持给水中低浓度的TOC就越重要。以下是各机构组织的建议:美国机械工程师学会(American Society of Mechanical Engineers,ASME)-现代工业锅炉给水和锅炉水质控制操作规程共识EN 12952 – 欧洲标准水管锅炉和辅助设备以及EN 12952-12锅炉给水和锅炉水质要求美国电力研究所(Electric Power Research Institute,EPRI)建议的TOC含量低于100 ppb或μg/L。VGB,欧洲发电和供热技术协会,建议低于200 ppb。无论是在闭式回路还是开式回路冷却系统中,TOC监测都可以帮助工厂识别泄漏。然后可以采取适当的措施来确保水质,保护设备和环境,减少工厂停工时间。有效TOC监测的现实案例以下案例说明了有效的TOC监测程序:德克萨斯炼油厂识别污染源并恢复生产美国德克萨斯州一家炼油厂遇到了油污染冷凝液,造成锅炉结垢和非计划停工的事件。非计划维护和生产损失造成的财务影响致使炼油厂不得不重新审查其冷凝液监测程序。调查结论是,现有的有机污染物检测方法导致报告值偏低且无法有效探测泄漏。工厂实施了在线监测程序,使用Sievers® InnovOx在线TOC分析仪分析冷凝液。有了这个在线监测程序,工厂可以识别出泄漏,找到泄漏源并采取主动措施。通过TOC分析获得的数据能最大限度地回收冷凝液,降低生产成本。Sievers® InnovOx在线TOC分析仪田纳西河谷管理局(TVA)艾伦联合循环发电厂使用TOC分析避免锅炉不当启动和相关成本田纳西河谷管理局(Tennessee Valley Authority,TVA)的艾伦联合循环发电厂寻求建立一种更积极主动的监测程序,以检测其闭环冷却水系统中的乙二醇泄漏。乙二醇很难用诸如pH值和电导率的传统方法检测到。通过使用总有机碳TOC分析和制定强有力的取样计划,该工厂将检测程序标准化并能准确发现泄漏。当冷凝液中的TOC含量上升超过200 ppb时,会提醒运营人员。运营人员可以立即采取行动,避免损坏锅炉。使用TOC分析确保冷却水水质一家大型化学品制造商要求其开放式冷却水系统不受有机污染。该工厂从当地河流取水,并在各个冷却过程中使用。冷却后,水返回当地河流。为了避免环境罚款,同时达到可持续发展的目标,该工厂投资了一个强有力的TOC监测程序。对流入和流出的冷却水实施有机监测,这对于达到质量标准至关重要。这种程序的基础需要一个足够灵敏的分析仪来检测低水平的有机污染,并能提供实时检测结果。Sievers® M5310 C TOC分析仪提供了完美的解决方案。分析仪安装在总共19个监测点,包括14个排放流、3个泵站和2个工艺设备。通过这一强有力的监测程序,该化学品制造商可以控制冷却水排放,降低罚款风险,并实现内部可持续水管理的目标。Sievers® M5310 C在线TOC分析仪结论通过采用TOC分析进行有机物监测程序,工厂可以更好地识别泄漏,并确保水质持续优化并且无有机污染。快速发现问题并立即采取整改措施的能力使工厂能够避免设备资产的损坏、不必要的停工和计划外的财务压力。